Member Since FEBRUARY 2019
We would like to recognize Alex Holloway as April’s Member of the Month. Alex has been a member at Train for Life since 2019 and can be found in our Semi-Private sessions with a smile on her face and ready to work.
Alex has made major changes in both her lifestyle and mindset since joining TFL, especially in 2020. Through her consistency and dedication, she has lost 15 pounds since January, has drastically increased her strength, and has so much more energy throughout her days! Alex conquered her weight loss so far by setting small goals which she often posted on her Instagram each month. Since January, Alex has shared her goals online from not drinking alcohol to making sure she gets enough water each day to coming to the gym 3x a week!
Alex’s fitness journey is an inspiration to many others. She utilizes her social media platforms to share stories about her career as a hairstylist, her fitness journey, and to help encourage others to accomplish their own goals. Alex has overcome a lot and isn’t afraid to share the stories to go along with it so of course, she is not letting COVID-19 stop her either! Even in this challenging time, her goal for this month is to stay on top of working out, 5 days a week minimum with no excuses!
We are so proud to be a part of your journey! We can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for you. Thank you for being such a special part of Train for Life!
“The one word that comes to mind when I think of Alex is determination. From the time I met her during her intro session last year until today she has always had goals in mind and was determined to achieve them. Nothing was going to stand in her way!”