We have finalized the schedule for Large Group for next week and MindBody is ready to rock! Please read the details in the attached PDF about outdoor sessions starting on Monday, June 1st. Classes will be limited to only 10 people per session. If this schedule fills quickly, we are prepared to add to it, but would like to see how they are filled and attended before doing so.
Outdoor classes will be held:
Monday - Friday: 5AM, 9AM, 4:30PM and 6PM
Saturday: 7AM, 8:30AM and 10AM.
Again, please BE SURE TO SIGN UP ASAP as classes will most likely fill quickly, and to ensure fairness our cancellation policy of 1 Hour will be strictly enforced.
We will be continuing with our live Zoom sessions:
Monday - Thursday: 6AM and 5PM
Friday: 6AM
We will also be starting with Semi-Private sessions:
Monday- Friday: 9AM
Monday - Thursday: 6:30PM.
Effective 6/01/2020
1. Members must register in advance using the MindBody app. Classes will fill quickly! (If you have previously suspended your membership and cannot register online, please e-mail us ASAP to reactivate your account.)
2. Upon arrival, each participant is screened for Covid-19 symptoms and a temperature check will be completed with a no touch thermometer. All participants MUST fill out an updated waiver before the completion of their first class back at TFL.
3. Please plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early to ensure adequate time for screenings. Due to this we highly discourage signing up at the last minute. Members who arrive late will not be able to be properly screened, and as such will not be permitted to workout.
4. Coaches will direct members to their designated station to ensure social distancing of at least 6 feet which must be maintained throughout the session.
5. Participants should either wash their hands with soap and water if available or use hand sanitizer before and after each session.
6. Class size will be limited to 10 plus the instructor. Please sign up in advance!
7. Participants are encouraged to bring their own towel, mat, water and any other equipment needed. Please limit your belongings as access to inside of the facility will be limited only to the use of the restrooms, purchasing pre and post workout supplements, or the use of our bottle filler.
8. All participants should wear face coverings upon arrival and wear it for all interactions when social distancing is not maintained. It is not mandatory to workout wearing a face covering.
9. Equipment is not to be shared amongst participants.
10. Disinfecting wipes and other products will be available.
11. In the event someone needs to use the bathroom, 1 person at a time may be directed to the bathroom.
12. Sessions will be subject to cancellation due to weather, up to 15 minutes before the scheduled class time.