Check out this article from BYO Family!

A big thank you to BYO Family for featuring Train for Life in this month's edition of their online magazine. Check out the great write up they gave us!

CHICOPEE – Vanessa Begolli of Belchertown knows that if she doesn’t show up to work out at her gym, Train For Life in Chicopee, she’s going to hear about it.

“Train For Life is very different than regular gyms due to the fact that you create a network of friends, which almost becomes your family,” says Begolli. “You are expected to be there, and if you aren’t, then someone will find out what’s going on to put you back on track.”

This connection is critical for the 39-year-old mother of two. A five-year breast cancer survivor, she says she looks half her age because of it... Click below to read the rest from Janice Beetle of BYO Family.