
TFL 42 HARD -- New Year Challenge

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January 11th - February 21st

Sign Ups — January 4th thru 9th

*Virtual competition available via Zoom and socially-distanced weekly appointments!

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30-Minute Daily Workout

1 Point per Day

Contestants are required to record 30-minutes of DAILY activity on their MyZone belts.

  • Minimum of 50 MEPs per day.

  • Contestants will receive 1 point per day.

  • ALL MEPs must be uploaded to MyZone accounts weekly by Sunday at midnight.

3 Bonus Points per Week

  • Contestants who attend 3 Train For Life workout sessions during the week will receive 3 bonus points for that week.

  • These can be completed both at TFL, via Zoom check-in for at-home contestants, or a combination of both.

  • Weeks are calculated Monday — Sunday.

Percent of Bodyweight Lost

25 Points to the Top 10 Finishers

If the FINAL Results of the challenge end in a tie, the person who ranks highest in this category at the end will win.

  • Weight will be recorded during sign-ups and again post-challenge.

    • SIGN-UP: Monday, January 4th – Saturday, January 9th

    • CHECKOUT: Monday, February 22nd – Thursday, February 25th

  • The difference in bodyweight will be recorded and the percent of original bodyweight lost will be ranked greatest to least amongst all competitors.

  • The TOP 10 Finishers will receive 25 POINTS.

Weekly Weigh-In

7 Points per Week

  • Contestants must check-in once per week to earn their weekly points. Points will be given regardless of what the scale says as long as the contestant checks in. This is to add a level of accountability to the challenge and encourage consistency.

  • The same time of day/week is encouraged to accurately track progress, but not mandatory in order to receive points.

  • Contestants competing virtually and/or prefer extra social-distancing guidelines will need to schedule an appointment with a member of the staff that can recur weekly throughout the challenge.

  • Weeks begin on Mondays and end on Sundays.


7 Points per Week

You cannot outwork bad eating habits.  In order to instill some accountability to what you are doing outside of the workouts, members will be required to journal their food.

  • Food journals will not be scored based on what’s in them.  The goal is to actively complete your log each week to create better eating habits and awareness of what you’re putting in your body.  As long as the log is turned in, points will be awarded.

  • Members may log their food via any food log app, such as “my fitness pal”, or in a notebook, whichever is preferred. 

    • To make beneficial changes to one’s eating habits, it’s best to record the time you’re eating, what it is, the amount eaten and when you workout.

A copy of your food journal from the week prior must be emailed by the following Monday @ 6pm.


Points will not be adjusted for contestants who turn their logs in late.

*EXAMPLE: Food Logs from Monday, 1/11/21 – Sunday, 1/17/21 must be turned in by Monday, 1/18/21 @ 6pm.


1 Point per Day

It’s hard to remain hopeful and stay positive during times of stress and uncertainty. The state we are all currently living in, although challenging, can teach us a lot about gratitude.

  • Contestants will be required to make a daily post to the Private Challenge Facebook Group.

  • Posts are simple and can include as many or few details as you wish about something that you are grateful for that day - big or small, a positive story or something informational that you’d like to share with the group.

  • These must be posted to the group by 10PM to receive a point for that day.

3 Bonus Points per Week

Help us spread positivity beyond our community!

  • Contestants who make one post per week on their Facebook page will receive 3 extra points for that week.

  • Posts must be public and include…

    • Check-In to Train for Life

    • The hashtag #TFL42HARD

  • As long as the hashtag is included in your post, you do not need to repeat the post in the challenge group that day. We will search the hashtag while calculating daily points.


7 Points per Week

  • Contestants must complete the physical challenge each week to receive their points. Weekly points will be given regardless of where one stands amongst the competition as long as the challenge is completed.

  • Challenges will be completed at an appointment time that can recur weekly to ensure a staff member is available and stay within the COVID capacity guidelines.  Challenges DO NOT need to be completed post-workout. 

  • Contestants competing virtually and/or prefer extra social-distancing guidelines will need to schedule an appointment with a member of the staff, and will be done at the same time as the weekly weigh-in.

  • Physical Challenges will be demoed by video and thoroughly explained on the Challenge Facebook Group the week prior to each challenge with all rules and guidelines.

*Contestants in need of modifications for a specific physical challenge will still be granted the 7 points for completing the challenge for that week, but they not be allowed to use points towards the overall physical challenge standings to get credit for Male and Female First Place prizes.

Weekly Physical Challenges

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2019 Summer Challenge


Winners will be announced at our annual TFL Summer Picnic
on Saturday, August 3, 2019


MyZone Points

100 Points per Week + 25 Points per week for the Top 10

There is a minimum goal of 800 MEPs per week.  Members will receive points for that week only if they hit 800 MEPS.  MEPs are calculated Monday-Sunday.  The Top 10 in the weekly standings will receive an extra 25 points for the week.  There is no limit on how many MEPs can be achieved.


400 Points goes to first place in each category
and it scales down from there.

Weight and Body Fat % will be taken at the beginning and end of the challenge.  The difference in weight and body fat % will be scaled and points will be awarded based on where you fall amongst the group. 

WEIGH-IN: Monday, June 3rd – Monday, June 10th
CHECKOUT: Thursday, July 25th – Tuesday, July 30th


150 Points to the Top 5 Transformations

Before and After Photos will be taken at TFL during weigh ins.  These are another way to measure true progress and earn points for positive physical change that isn’t always obvious on the scale.  These photos will be kept private and only shown to non-biased judges and the members themselves.

MEN - Shorts and No Shirt
WOMEN - Sports Bra and Shorts / Two-Piece Bathing Suit

Post-workout nutrition

1 Ticket Per Shake • 5 Points Per Ticket

In order to be successful in your quest to build lean muscle and lose fat, awareness of your daily protein intake is instrumental. Protein in liquid form is an easy and effective way to aid in post-workout recovery.  Liquid protein is easy to digest and is absorbed quickly by your muscles giving them the nutrients they need to repair.  This is also a way to increase daily protein intake on workout days where most people aren’t getting enough as it is.

Members will receive 1 ticket for drinking their protein shake after each workout.  Liquid protein only, no bars.  Tickets will be saved by members and turned in during challenge checkout.  5 Points will be awarded per ticket.

*Protein must be shown, and actively consumed at the time ticket is given.  Photos after sessions or “forgetting a ticket” will not be accepted.  No exceptions.


50 Points per Week

You cannot outwork bad eating habits.  In order to instill some accountability to what you are doing outside of the gym, members will be required to journal their food. Food journals will not be scored based on what’s in them.  The goal is to actively complete your log each week to create better eating habits and awareness of what you’re putting in your body.  As long as the log is turned in, points will be awarded.

Members may log their food via any food log app, such as “my fitness pal”, or in a notebook, whichever is preferred.  To make beneficial changes to one’s eating habits, It’s best to record the time you’re eating, what it is, the amount eaten and when you workout.

*A copy of your food journal from the week prior must be emailed to by the following Monday @ 6pm. 
For example, food journals from Monday, June 10 – Sunday, June 16 must be turned in by Monday, June 17th @ 6pm.

weekly Physical challenges


Week 1: Push Pull Challenge

Complete as fast as possible.
100 Meter Row >> 20 Push Ups >> 30 Squats to Ball

Week 2: Strongman Medley

Complete as fast as possible.
Backward Sled Drag >> Forward Sled March >> Farmer’s Carry

Week 3: Airdyne Ride

1.5 Mile Airdyne Sprint for Time

Week 4: Trapbar Challege

AMRAP in 60 Seconds
Bar is set to bodyweight the day of challenge rounded up to the nearest 5 pounds

Week 5: Prowler Sprints

5 Hi/Low Prowler Sprints for Time

Week 6: Death March

Complete as many laps as possible using the Farmer’s Bars.
Distance is measured from last lap once bars touch the floor.

Week 7: Conditioning Combo

Airdyne Sprint to 15 Cals >> Run to end of the building and back

Member of the Month - April 2017



Melissa’s journey is just as impressive, as it is inspiring.  She has 100% dedicated herself to her training, and finding a true balance within her relationship with food.  All of this has afforded her the ability to feel better than she has in years! 

Melissa pushes herself to new limits each training session.  She humbly leads by example, and is someone fellow members tend to find helpful throughout the sessions they share with her.  If it’s not in sessions, she is an avid social networker always sharing her inspirational story and progress, and she encourages others to believe they can do it too.  She was nominated by a fellow member, and former Member of the Month, Jill Lueb who had only the nicest things to say about her...

“Melissa is a ray of sunshine every time I see her in class, she is supportive and friendly to everyone.  She shares fun food ideas and recipes, and is just a really nice human who represents the TFL way of life. “

Melissa has far surpassed many of the original goals she set for herself when she joined us back in October. She has completely transformed her body as well as her nutrition mindset.  She is stronger, leaner and more determined as she has been learning new skills in Small Group in preparation for her upcoming powerlifting competition – which we know she will crush!

This is only the beginning for Melissa, and we are so excited to see the peaks she will climb in the future!  Keep up all the great work.

Melissa's new tattoo highlights her love for strength.  She even desires to be a coach herself one day, and is actively taking the steps to pursue this currently.

Melissa's new tattoo highlights her love for strength.  She even desires to be a coach herself one day, and is actively taking the steps to pursue this currently.

Member of the Month - March 2017


Member Since November 2015

Amy is, without a doubt, dedicated to the process.  Despite being a mom of two young, crazy boys, she always shows up early to her sessions, and is the last one to leave – usually after a few miles on the AirDyne with friends to hit her personal MyZone goals.  Amy originally came to us with a simple weight loss goal, but her fitness has evolved tremendously since that first day.  

When we asked fellow members about Amy there was consistency among the replies: motivating, encouraging, and persistent, and her presence during training sessions is always a positive one.  She has made others around her stronger, both mentally and physically.  A “You got this!” or a cheer from afar, is typical of Amy as she is always eager to motivate and bring out the best in those around her.   

Not a session goes by without Amy asking for a form check, a weight recommendation, or a how-to on a movement.  Just one of the many reasons she is a joy to coach.  It’s been a blessing to work with Amy, and we look forward to supporting her constant strive toward new goals and accomplishments this year – especially at the SPD Road Race next week!

She’s motivating, encouraging and persistent; and her presence during training sessions is always a positive one.

Member of the Month - February 2017



Aaron came to us with a unique story and very specific goal: to get back to playing hockey after some unwanted time away from his favorite sport.  2 years prior to training with TFL, Aaron was spending the holiday season in a hospital bed after a surgery to remove a tumor from his brain.  This caused a setback in his hockey training, and decrease in his appetite and strength.

From day one, Aaron was one of the most polite and mature 12 year olds our coaching team has worked with.  His perseverance inspires our coaches as well as the other members in Aaron’s group – even “the bald guy that took his bar.”  This young man never misses a session, has drastically improved his strength and coordination, and has begun to work up a healthy appetite again.  We are also thrilled to say Aaron conquered his main goal, and just wrapped up his first full season back on the ice.

Aaron is constantly following our TFL Instagram page and commenting on our coaches’ workouts.  He has told us countless times how much he enjoys being here each week, but what he doesn’t realize is how inspiring he is to our team.  We’re so honored to be a part of his young athletic life.  It’s been a pleasure to watch Aaron get stronger week after week and we look forward to continuing to see him grow.

A special shoutout to Bob Authier - “The bald guy who stole Aaron’s bar.”
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Member of the Month - December 2016



— Laurie St. Marie

One of the most common reasons people join a community like ours is for motivation.  Bobby Collazo is the definition of that, and has done nothing but motivate those around him since he walked into our doors 5 years ago. 

Bobby is a man of zero-complaints and is always eager to push it to the limit in sessions.  He’s completed many road and obstacle course races with his TFL squad, including the grueling Seven Sisters Trail Run and Ragnar Relay Race.  He enjoys outdoor activities from hiking to hill sprints, and is often in the company of his wife, and fellow TFL member, Aurora.

Bobby is a world-class member.  He’s so devoted to our system that he hasn’t been late for a session in 5 years, and NEVER begins without a good foam roll.  He is always eager to learn new exercises and techniques, and gives 100% effort every time, every session.

Congratulations, Bobby!  Thank you for your endless motivation, and pumped up attitude.  You make our jobs so easy to love.  Happy 5th TFL Anniversary!

Bobby and Aurora have been so supportive of me and everyone in this challenge. Honestly, I would not get through the physical challenges without them.
— Chris Watton

Member of the Month - November 2016



Jill joined our community three years ago this month, and has been a dedicated member ever since.  She came to us with a few limitations from previous injuries, and had a preconceived notion that she may never fully squat or do some of our foundational movements again.  Well, we’re thrilled to say Jill has excelled in movements many wouldn’t have expected her to, and none of this would have been possible without consistency and hard work.

Jill is constantly supporting those around her, especially via social media.  She’s an asset to her teams in any challenge, and is always available for recipe sharing, motivation or Sunday activities; which often include yoga sessions or a hiking adventure.

Jill is a current member of our Barbell Club and recently hit a personal record on her front squat.  She is always eager to learn, respects each exercise and puts full trust in her coaches and the program making her a joy to have in any session.   

Congratulations, Jill!  We are so proud of all you’ve accomplished, and can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you.  Happy 3rd TFL Anniversary!


Large Group Program Update

        This past weekend marked our 5th anniversary of Train for Life opening at 340 McKinstry Avenue.  Over the last 5 years, we’ve worked toward creating a results-driven program by blending the most current in exercise science with strength and conditioning workouts.  It’s always been our goal to keep our program energetic and intense while balancing the physical needs of our members in order to prevent injury and improve movement.

        While the standards that we’ve held high over the last 5 years will not change, we will be revamping our Large Group Template allowing us to add more variety and training options to our current program.  We are certain that with this new training model members will be motivated and eager to stay in a fitness regimen that is beneficial, competitive and enjoyable for all training levels.

        Along with this change, we will attempt to preface each phase and educate you on the most suitable program selection to fit your specific goals.  It is, and has always been, our mission to inspire others to move well, be strong and enjoy life.  A proper movement foundation will always rank first and foremost in our model.  We will continue to add assessments and help direct you through the program that best fits your current physical capabilities.  From there, a blend of workouts are designed to increase strength and burn fat.  Each member is unique and we feel this new structure will allow us to efficiently manipulate our program to provide the individual solutions you are all looking for in a group training environment. 

Our new phase will be laid out as follows:

Monday – Strength A
Tuesday – Metabolic Conditioning
Wednesday – Strength B
Thursday – Metabolic Conditioning
Friday – Strength C
Saturday – Your Choice...

7:00AM - Advanced Lift (Strength Based)
8:30AM/10:00AM - Metabolic Conditioning

        We are excited for this update and hopeful that many of you will embrace this change.  As always, we implore you to provide us with feedback, as it’s the best way for us to continue to evolve.