mom of two

Member of the Month - April 2017



Melissa’s journey is just as impressive, as it is inspiring.  She has 100% dedicated herself to her training, and finding a true balance within her relationship with food.  All of this has afforded her the ability to feel better than she has in years! 

Melissa pushes herself to new limits each training session.  She humbly leads by example, and is someone fellow members tend to find helpful throughout the sessions they share with her.  If it’s not in sessions, she is an avid social networker always sharing her inspirational story and progress, and she encourages others to believe they can do it too.  She was nominated by a fellow member, and former Member of the Month, Jill Lueb who had only the nicest things to say about her...

“Melissa is a ray of sunshine every time I see her in class, she is supportive and friendly to everyone.  She shares fun food ideas and recipes, and is just a really nice human who represents the TFL way of life. “

Melissa has far surpassed many of the original goals she set for herself when she joined us back in October. She has completely transformed her body as well as her nutrition mindset.  She is stronger, leaner and more determined as she has been learning new skills in Small Group in preparation for her upcoming powerlifting competition – which we know she will crush!

This is only the beginning for Melissa, and we are so excited to see the peaks she will climb in the future!  Keep up all the great work.

Melissa's new tattoo highlights her love for strength.  She even desires to be a coach herself one day, and is actively taking the steps to pursue this currently.

Melissa's new tattoo highlights her love for strength.  She even desires to be a coach herself one day, and is actively taking the steps to pursue this currently.

Member of the Month - March 2017


Member Since November 2015

Amy is, without a doubt, dedicated to the process.  Despite being a mom of two young, crazy boys, she always shows up early to her sessions, and is the last one to leave – usually after a few miles on the AirDyne with friends to hit her personal MyZone goals.  Amy originally came to us with a simple weight loss goal, but her fitness has evolved tremendously since that first day.  

When we asked fellow members about Amy there was consistency among the replies: motivating, encouraging, and persistent, and her presence during training sessions is always a positive one.  She has made others around her stronger, both mentally and physically.  A “You got this!” or a cheer from afar, is typical of Amy as she is always eager to motivate and bring out the best in those around her.   

Not a session goes by without Amy asking for a form check, a weight recommendation, or a how-to on a movement.  Just one of the many reasons she is a joy to coach.  It’s been a blessing to work with Amy, and we look forward to supporting her constant strive toward new goals and accomplishments this year – especially at the SPD Road Race next week!

She’s motivating, encouraging and persistent; and her presence during training sessions is always a positive one.