• Are you interested in mastering the big movements on the Barbell?

  • Do you enjoy high energy workouts?

  • Are you ready to get stronger than you’ve been before eager to set PRs?  


TFL Barbell Club will bring together members with a focus on the main barbell movements including the deadlift, squat and bench press.  Each session will include technique coaching and will progressively add load to the bars each week.  The program will be a full strength training workout in a semi-private setting, and will be performed under the supervision of two experienced coaches.

This is an environment designed to breed energy and success; and personal bests will surely be broken!

We've had positive feedback on our first 8-Week Barbell Club, and many of those participants are returning for Round 2.  There are only a few spots to fill, so don't miss your chance!

5:30PM - 7:00PM
with... Coach Drew and Coach Jeff
November 11, 2016 - Friday, December 30, 2016

Large Group Program Update

        This past weekend marked our 5th anniversary of Train for Life opening at 340 McKinstry Avenue.  Over the last 5 years, we’ve worked toward creating a results-driven program by blending the most current in exercise science with strength and conditioning workouts.  It’s always been our goal to keep our program energetic and intense while balancing the physical needs of our members in order to prevent injury and improve movement.

        While the standards that we’ve held high over the last 5 years will not change, we will be revamping our Large Group Template allowing us to add more variety and training options to our current program.  We are certain that with this new training model members will be motivated and eager to stay in a fitness regimen that is beneficial, competitive and enjoyable for all training levels.

        Along with this change, we will attempt to preface each phase and educate you on the most suitable program selection to fit your specific goals.  It is, and has always been, our mission to inspire others to move well, be strong and enjoy life.  A proper movement foundation will always rank first and foremost in our model.  We will continue to add assessments and help direct you through the program that best fits your current physical capabilities.  From there, a blend of workouts are designed to increase strength and burn fat.  Each member is unique and we feel this new structure will allow us to efficiently manipulate our program to provide the individual solutions you are all looking for in a group training environment. 

Our new phase will be laid out as follows:

Monday – Strength A
Tuesday – Metabolic Conditioning
Wednesday – Strength B
Thursday – Metabolic Conditioning
Friday – Strength C
Saturday – Your Choice...

7:00AM - Advanced Lift (Strength Based)
8:30AM/10:00AM - Metabolic Conditioning

        We are excited for this update and hopeful that many of you will embrace this change.  As always, we implore you to provide us with feedback, as it’s the best way for us to continue to evolve. 

Member of the Month - October 2016


Member since October 2012

Deciding our next MOM wasn’t a tough decision.  Immediately following the release of last months we got a message raving about why Kristin is a perfect choice from a fellow member…

“My husband was doing a wall sit and Kristin came in and sat right next to him; you should have seen his smile.  Kristin doesn't just make us laugh, she pushes us.  She’s the best!”
– Toni

Kristin is an excellent student of strength.  She is always eager to learn, respects each exercise and dedicates herself to accomplishing different movements which makes her a joy to coach.  Kristin is consistently working with the coaches to set new goals to achieve her personal best in various exercises.  She is currently the only member to pass BOTH the USB Clean & Press Test, and the Kettlebell Snatch Test – none of which could be achieved without consistency and hard work.

Kristin has put her trust in us since the beginning, and we are so grateful to have had her smile, sarcasm and strength in the facility over the years.  Her coaches look forward to many more sessions with Kristin, who recently hit a personal record with a 100# Strict Overhead Press.

Great work Kristin!  We are so proud of all you’ve accomplished, and can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you.  Happy 4th TFL Anniversary! :)


Saturday, October 22, 2016

$15.00 EACH
*all proceeds will be donated to the Rays of Hope Foundation

All members and guests are welcome to participate in the workout, and are encouraged to sign up at the front desk ASAP.  

Workout is limited to 90-participants.


$5.00 per shirt will be donated to the Rays of Hope Foundation



All orders must be placed at TFL no later than Saturday, October 15th


Train for Life is such an amazing community of people, and it's all because of the support of it's members.  We wouldn't be where we are today if it weren't for constant referrals and positive reviews, and we are so grateful to each and every one of you.  

In an effort to show our appreciation we are running a new Referral Program as well as a contest for a chance to win a FREE MEMBERSHIP FOR A YEAR...

You will receive a FREE MONTH for every new member you refer...
*The following month's payment will be waived after new member signs up for a plan post-trial.  Up to a $99.00/month value.


The member with the most sign-ups as of December 31st will receive an Unlimited Large Group Membership for all of 2017.

Must have a minimum of 6 sign-ups to qualify.
If there is a tie, the first member to have a sign-up after the challenge end date will win.

Member of the Month - Sept. 2016


Member Since November 2015

Rich has demonstrated true dedication to TFL values, and has 100% committed himself to our process.  Since joining us Rich has gotten stronger, lost body fat and maintained an above average record during our Summer Physical Challenges.  Above all else, he has ignited a new passion for strength training and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  His wife Robin, who is also a member of TFL, says Rich is a completely different person since the start of his fitness journey, and she couldn’t be happier with his results.

Rich continues to show improvement in more ways than one.  He’s done at home research to better understand Turkish Get Ups and can no longer hide his eagerness to perform well behind his sarcasm and witty comments.  He is such a presence in our community that other members question where he is if he’s not at his usual sessions.  

His coaches look forward to many more sessions with Rich, who’s goals include increasing his flexibility through yoga sessions and to continue to conquer the Turkish Get Up.  

Great work Rich!  We are so proud of all you’ve accomplished!

2016 Summer Team Challenge

Summer is the time of year that everyone wants to look their best, but with it comes temptation filled BBQ's and vacations, challenging both you and your willpower.  Throughout the summer of 2016, we challenge you to stay committed to a healthy and active lifestyle, and we have created an exciting way to keep you on track!

Click on the PDF below for all the details about the challenge, and how to sign up...

Not a member of ours but interested in joining this challenge?!  We'd love to have you.  Simply contact us and we'll get you started!

Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

I walked into Train for Life three years ago for a “free two week trial” and noticed the motivational saying on the wall, LIFE BEGINS AT THE END OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. At 54, I had back issues and was 30 lbs overweight. Drew began to work with me and helped me modify an exercise program that worked for me. Along the way the coaches began to push me outside of my comfort zone and before I knew it I was hooked.

My life is incredibly busy and I have never been able to be consistent with the gym or self motivated enough to stick with a program. Train for Life changed all of that. I love the fact that they have a 5:30 am and I have faithfully attended this class for the last 3 years. I have met so many great people and the camaraderie acts to create an environment which not only is fun but helps us accomplish things we otherwise may not be able to do. Not only do we let each other know it if we miss a class but even within a workout we encourage each other to be the best we can be. Train for Life has changed my life for the better. Since beginning at TFL I have not had any back issues, have lost 30 lbs and kept it off. The best part is that the coaches continue to work with me to set new goals and become better.

Recently I completed the Summer Sizzler Challenge, a ninety day challenge focusing on exercise and nutrition. The icing on the cake was I convinced my daughters Jillian and Megan to enter the challenge along with me. With a focus on exercise and diet for 90 days we all improved significantly and Jillian actually won the contest!!!!!!!!! I simply can’t say enough about the coaches and the people at TFL and I look forward to trying to set new goals and get better tomorrow!

As our saying goes at TFL, Life is hard, Train HARDER!!!

Today is Dean's 57th birthday and he's definitely not slowing down any!  

Best Version of Yourself

Meet Mia.

You might have seen a few photos of her this past summer as she pushed herself day in and day out through our Summer Sizzler Challenge...

Now hear about her experience at TFL...

Before joining Train For Life, I was a member at a local gym for many years but rarely ever went. Like many people, I dreaded going to the gym.  I lacked motivation and even tried working with a private trainer there but that didn't provide the spark I needed.

Train for Life has changed all of that and I can honestly say I love going to my classes at TFL now. The atmosphere there is wonderful and it's such a close knit environment. The coaches provide the knowledge and motivation each and every session.  The members are inspiration and that helps to keep you wanting to improve yourself.  The staff does an excellent job of keeping the programming fresh and challenging.  


Owners, Drew and Jordan McConaha, encouraged me to continue my journey by entering the Summer Sizzler Transformation Challenge. They were so helpful with guiding me through restructuring my diet to maximize my results.  After finishing the challenge I was shocked with my results. Not only am I stronger and feel great, I can truly say I'm in the best shape of my life. I am so thankful and I love the fact that my young daughters look at me as a role model for being a healthy and strong woman.

Are You Ready for the Spartan Race?!

Sunday is quickly approaching and all the hard work to get ready for the race is behind, but in order to help you prepare the night before, morning of and during the race, here's a checklist of things you'll want to do and bring with you to make sure the race is a SUCCESS!


  • Your last meal the night before the race should be a GOOD one.  Remember, your fuel starts now.  Don't make any drastic changes and go out and 'carb load' on all kinds of crazy pasta and bread. Some is okay and should be included only if it's been a part of your regular diet, but you'll want to be sure to balance with it protein and fat.  The last thing you want to do is eat something that will upset your stomach for the next 24 hours.  My 21DSD friends, this is the meal you should be sure to include your 1/4 cup of sweet potato, quinoa, or brown rice.  And lastly, start hydrating now.  Check your urine to see if you're adequately doing so; it should be pale yellow to clear.  
  • Be well rested!  Head to bed early and be sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep.  Give yourself time in the morning to wake up feeling rested so you don't wake up late and have to rush around.

Pack ahead of time!  Here's a list of what you'll want to have with you -


  • Camelpak or Fuel Belt
  • Clothing for the Race; comfortable, tightly fitted and NO cotton, it will weigh you down
  • Sneakers; Not your best ones, but they should be broken in and have good tread
  • Train for Life SHIRT!
  • Shorts or Compression Tights
  • Compression Sleeves for Arms or Legs (optional)
  • Sunblock
  • Photo ID and Registration Information
  • Food - Gels, Sport Beans, Chews, Clif Bars...
  • 21DSD Snacks - Banana, Baby Food (Sweet Potato), Nuts 


  • Be sure to bring a clean, warm change of clothes: underwear, shirt, shorts/sweatpants, sneakers and socks.
  • Trash bag to put your dirty in.  Rinse them thoroughly and they will come clean.
  • towel to dry off.  
  • They are expecting rain for Sunday afternoon, a raincoat/poncho is a good idea!  
  • Money for food/drink. 

Lastly, and most importantly, bring a POSITIVE ATTITUDE!  Remember WHY you signed up for this race in the first place.  You'll have an amazing feeling of accomplishment when you hit the finish line.  Whether this is your first Spartan or 10th, each provides a different challenge and you'll handsomely rewarded knowing you put yourself outside your comfort zone and SUCCEEDED!  

If there's anything I didn't answer above that you have questions about, PLEASE comment below!