Train for Life is such an amazing community of people, and it's all because of the support of it's members.  We wouldn't be where we are today if it weren't for constant referrals and positive reviews, and we are so grateful to each and every one of you.  

In an effort to show our appreciation we are running a new Referral Program as well as a contest for a chance to win a FREE MEMBERSHIP FOR A YEAR...

You will receive a FREE MONTH for every new member you refer...
*The following month's payment will be waived after new member signs up for a plan post-trial.  Up to a $99.00/month value.


The member with the most sign-ups as of December 31st will receive an Unlimited Large Group Membership for all of 2017.

Must have a minimum of 6 sign-ups to qualify.
If there is a tie, the first member to have a sign-up after the challenge end date will win.

Member of the Month - Sept. 2016


Member Since November 2015

Rich has demonstrated true dedication to TFL values, and has 100% committed himself to our process.  Since joining us Rich has gotten stronger, lost body fat and maintained an above average record during our Summer Physical Challenges.  Above all else, he has ignited a new passion for strength training and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  His wife Robin, who is also a member of TFL, says Rich is a completely different person since the start of his fitness journey, and she couldn’t be happier with his results.

Rich continues to show improvement in more ways than one.  He’s done at home research to better understand Turkish Get Ups and can no longer hide his eagerness to perform well behind his sarcasm and witty comments.  He is such a presence in our community that other members question where he is if he’s not at his usual sessions.  

His coaches look forward to many more sessions with Rich, who’s goals include increasing his flexibility through yoga sessions and to continue to conquer the Turkish Get Up.  

Great work Rich!  We are so proud of all you’ve accomplished!

2016 Summer Team Challenge

Summer is the time of year that everyone wants to look their best, but with it comes temptation filled BBQ's and vacations, challenging both you and your willpower.  Throughout the summer of 2016, we challenge you to stay committed to a healthy and active lifestyle, and we have created an exciting way to keep you on track!

Click on the PDF below for all the details about the challenge, and how to sign up...

Not a member of ours but interested in joining this challenge?!  We'd love to have you.  Simply contact us and we'll get you started!

Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

I walked into Train for Life three years ago for a “free two week trial” and noticed the motivational saying on the wall, LIFE BEGINS AT THE END OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. At 54, I had back issues and was 30 lbs overweight. Drew began to work with me and helped me modify an exercise program that worked for me. Along the way the coaches began to push me outside of my comfort zone and before I knew it I was hooked.

My life is incredibly busy and I have never been able to be consistent with the gym or self motivated enough to stick with a program. Train for Life changed all of that. I love the fact that they have a 5:30 am and I have faithfully attended this class for the last 3 years. I have met so many great people and the camaraderie acts to create an environment which not only is fun but helps us accomplish things we otherwise may not be able to do. Not only do we let each other know it if we miss a class but even within a workout we encourage each other to be the best we can be. Train for Life has changed my life for the better. Since beginning at TFL I have not had any back issues, have lost 30 lbs and kept it off. The best part is that the coaches continue to work with me to set new goals and become better.

Recently I completed the Summer Sizzler Challenge, a ninety day challenge focusing on exercise and nutrition. The icing on the cake was I convinced my daughters Jillian and Megan to enter the challenge along with me. With a focus on exercise and diet for 90 days we all improved significantly and Jillian actually won the contest!!!!!!!!! I simply can’t say enough about the coaches and the people at TFL and I look forward to trying to set new goals and get better tomorrow!

As our saying goes at TFL, Life is hard, Train HARDER!!!

Today is Dean's 57th birthday and he's definitely not slowing down any!  

Best Version of Yourself

Meet Mia.

You might have seen a few photos of her this past summer as she pushed herself day in and day out through our Summer Sizzler Challenge...

Now hear about her experience at TFL...

Before joining Train For Life, I was a member at a local gym for many years but rarely ever went. Like many people, I dreaded going to the gym.  I lacked motivation and even tried working with a private trainer there but that didn't provide the spark I needed.

Train for Life has changed all of that and I can honestly say I love going to my classes at TFL now. The atmosphere there is wonderful and it's such a close knit environment. The coaches provide the knowledge and motivation each and every session.  The members are inspiration and that helps to keep you wanting to improve yourself.  The staff does an excellent job of keeping the programming fresh and challenging.  


Owners, Drew and Jordan McConaha, encouraged me to continue my journey by entering the Summer Sizzler Transformation Challenge. They were so helpful with guiding me through restructuring my diet to maximize my results.  After finishing the challenge I was shocked with my results. Not only am I stronger and feel great, I can truly say I'm in the best shape of my life. I am so thankful and I love the fact that my young daughters look at me as a role model for being a healthy and strong woman.

Are You Ready for the Spartan Race?!

Sunday is quickly approaching and all the hard work to get ready for the race is behind, but in order to help you prepare the night before, morning of and during the race, here's a checklist of things you'll want to do and bring with you to make sure the race is a SUCCESS!


  • Your last meal the night before the race should be a GOOD one.  Remember, your fuel starts now.  Don't make any drastic changes and go out and 'carb load' on all kinds of crazy pasta and bread. Some is okay and should be included only if it's been a part of your regular diet, but you'll want to be sure to balance with it protein and fat.  The last thing you want to do is eat something that will upset your stomach for the next 24 hours.  My 21DSD friends, this is the meal you should be sure to include your 1/4 cup of sweet potato, quinoa, or brown rice.  And lastly, start hydrating now.  Check your urine to see if you're adequately doing so; it should be pale yellow to clear.  
  • Be well rested!  Head to bed early and be sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep.  Give yourself time in the morning to wake up feeling rested so you don't wake up late and have to rush around.

Pack ahead of time!  Here's a list of what you'll want to have with you -


  • Camelpak or Fuel Belt
  • Clothing for the Race; comfortable, tightly fitted and NO cotton, it will weigh you down
  • Sneakers; Not your best ones, but they should be broken in and have good tread
  • Train for Life SHIRT!
  • Shorts or Compression Tights
  • Compression Sleeves for Arms or Legs (optional)
  • Sunblock
  • Photo ID and Registration Information
  • Food - Gels, Sport Beans, Chews, Clif Bars...
  • 21DSD Snacks - Banana, Baby Food (Sweet Potato), Nuts 


  • Be sure to bring a clean, warm change of clothes: underwear, shirt, shorts/sweatpants, sneakers and socks.
  • Trash bag to put your dirty in.  Rinse them thoroughly and they will come clean.
  • towel to dry off.  
  • They are expecting rain for Sunday afternoon, a raincoat/poncho is a good idea!  
  • Money for food/drink. 

Lastly, and most importantly, bring a POSITIVE ATTITUDE!  Remember WHY you signed up for this race in the first place.  You'll have an amazing feeling of accomplishment when you hit the finish line.  Whether this is your first Spartan or 10th, each provides a different challenge and you'll handsomely rewarded knowing you put yourself outside your comfort zone and SUCCEEDED!  

If there's anything I didn't answer above that you have questions about, PLEASE comment below!

Thank You!

First off, we would like to take the time to send out a HUGE thank you to Vin and Matt for their time with us this semester.  It was a pleasure getting to know you both and we greatly appreciate the help you gave us.  They have both now completed their semester long internship with us.  Time flies when you're having fun!  

We would like to wish Matt the best of luck this summer as he heads into his senior year at UMass Amherst.  You've got great things ahead of you and I'm sure it won't be the last time we hear from Matt.  

Vin will be graduating from Springfield College this week and then will RETURN to Train for Life to join us as a full-time coach so you will see him again very soon!

Again, we thank you both for your time and commitment to us at Train for Life!  Here's a short article they put together on some of the WHY's behind breathing.  


You hear your coaches at TFL stress it all the time, proper breathing. Every coach stresses it when going through each workout, “remember to breath” or more specifically “inhale as you ______ then exhale as you _______.” (Think EXhale, EXert!)  

But are you breathing properly? Do you know why it’s so important to breathe properly? Is improper breathing hindering your goals?

The average human takes more than 20,000 breaths per day! That should be enough incentive right there to make sure that you are breathing properly. If you are doing anything 20,000+ times per day you should make sure that you are doing it correctly. Proper breathing is a lot easier said than done, some people have the mindset that as long as they’re conscious and functioning they must be breathing correctly. This does mean that they are in fact alive and breathing, but it does not mean they are breathing properly! Proper diaphragmatic breathing actives your core musculature by increasing intra-abdominal pressure in order to remain stable while moving.

Common Faults

Here are a couple common faults that often occur when it comes to breathing, if you fall into one or more of these categories then you should pay extra attention to correct these.

1)     Neck Breathing

Right now take a nice deep breath in…… Did you lift your chin up at all? If you did you are a neck breathing. First off, this type of breathing is probably going to cause neck and shoulder pain, does that seem like a neutral neck position??? NO, our coaches have always stressed, “Tuck your chin or create a double chin.” And secondly, this type of breathing not to allow you to fill your lungs with enough air which will reduce intra-abdominal pressure.

2)     Paradoxical Breathing

Go ahead and take another deep breath and hold it in for a couple seconds…. Where did all that air go? Are your ribs now flared out and your core is sucked in? Now go ahead and exhale and hold it there…. Is your core now pushed out with a curve in your lower back? If this is the case you are a paradoxical breather. You have now put yourself in an unstable and inefficient position by using your neck and upper chest muscles to breathe instead of using your diaphragm and core muscles. This type of breathing constantly puts you in a position of lower back extension which can lead to lower back pain and tight hip flexors.

3)     Shallow Breathing

Now I want you to think about doing some deadlifts. Imagine doing five deadlifts and how your breathing would correspond to those five deadlifts. After you do this a couple times think about this, how long did you inhale and how long did you exhale? If you noticed both were about one second or less each then your breathing is probably too shallow. In order to fill your lungs with enough air to create enough intra-abdominal pressure, your inhalation should take a couple seconds and then your exhalation should take about twice as a long as that.

Proper Breathing

Alright now that we’ve gone over a couple different faulty breathing patterns, let’s go over how to breathe properly.

The goal of when you breathe should be to create as much intra-abdominal pressure as possible. A lot of the same muscles you use to breathe are the same ones that are used to stabilize your core. By breathing properly you can effectively activate your core muscles to keep a stable trunk.

THE INHALE: start off your proper deep breath by inhaling through your nose. REMEMBER: keep your chin tucked through the entire inhalation and exhalation. As you inhale you should think about filling up your entire trunk with air. If you were to have a rubber band around both your entire abdominal area AND your chest and back they would both continue to stretch as you inhale. This will cause your diaphragm to push down and your abdominals to expand. Once you have fully inhaled, your trunk should be expanded and very stable.

THE EXHALE: exhale by pursing your lips like you’re blowing a balloon and using your core to push ALL of the air out of your entire trunk. The exhalation should take about twice as long as the inhalation, it will be like you are letting air out of a tire. By using your core muscles to push your diaphragm back up and force air out your lungs, you will continue to activate your core to keep your trunk stable.

PRACTICE this a couple times looking in a mirror while standing up with your hands on your stomach. As you inhale watch and feel your entire midsection expand. You should notice, your stomach and lower back expand as well as your chest and mid / upper back expand. Now as you exhale using your abdominals, you should feel tension as all of the air is pushed out of your trunk.

So why is this important?

Right now we’re going to break down how proper breathing relates to the three parts of the TFL motto.

MOVE WELL – Breathing properly is going increase core stabilization which then lead to improved movement. If you have ever tried doing any type of heavy squat, deadlift, press, or pull without an active and stable core you know it doesn’t go very well. Having an active core during all of these movements will reduce your chance for injury and in particular, lower back pain.

BE STRONG – At TFL you are constantly asked to challenge yourself! If it does not CHALLENGE you it will not CHANGE you. If you plan on trying to pick up something heavy up without an active and stable core you will find it very difficult and inefficient. If all it takes is proper breathing to get stronger why wouldn’t you do it?

ENJOY LIFE ­- As mentioned before, if you are breathing 20,000+ times a day don’t you think you should do it properly? And remember, it’s just breathing; no one is asking you to completely switch your diet, your job, or routine around. If you can improve your movement quality, become stronger, and enjoy life better by simply breathing, why wouldn’t you do it?

All You Need to Know to Prepare and Recover Better!

At Train for Life, our mission is to inspire you to move well, be strong and enjoy life. That being said, a major aspect of your time at Train for Life will revolve around body maintenance.  Like a car needs a tune up, bodywork, and an oil change, our bodies work very similarly.  We need to make sure we are getting into the “shop”, even more so then a car would, in order to finally accomplish that final piece of our mission, enjoying life

Have you ever noticed your neck, shoulders, knees, hips and/or ankles becoming tight and restricted before, during, or after a training session? Well, there is no doubt your not alone on this one, but don’t get intimidated yet, there may be a cure! DOMS, or delayed-onset muscle soreness is the arch nemesis of all frequent exercisers. To combat this syndrome, foam rolling and a proper protein-packed diet will help you along the road to a speedy recovery. Gray Cook, the creator of the Joint-by-Joint approach and a mecca in the field of exercise science once said, “Don’t place fitness on top of dysfunction.” This quote right here is a big reason why we regress some of our members in the middle of a training session. We never want to make matters worse, so taking that step back is crucial when trying to make ourselves BETTER!

Ingredients for success- 

1 foam-roller

1 lacrosse ball (tennis ball or racquetball can be used as well)

Let’s keep things organized and work from top to bottom, addressing all those common issues along the way. Each section of the body will be addressed by answering why we should roll this section of the body, as well as showing you how to foam roll the area.

Neck (cervical spine)

Why – Headaches? Sore from sitting? Sure, it happens to everyone. Those trigger points that were mentioned earlier could be the underlying cause of many of our tension headaches.

How To - If you have been training for a long time grab a lacrosse ball, if you haven’t been to the gym in a long time/ever, grab something softer, like a racquetball or tennis ball. Lie on the ground or stand parallel to a wall, placing the ball on the upper trapezius, and begin to move around. You will start to notice some areas are super sensitive, hello trigger points! If you find one, lay or stay on the spot for a few seconds and take 5 deeper diaphragmatic breaths.  You can feel the tension dissipate almost instantly. Continue to roll the ball on the other side of the trap, and eventually along the back of the neck where it meets the bottom of the head. If using a ball was difficult for you, a small foam roller could be used. The roller is too big for an area like this, so using a ball is preferred.

Shoulder Complex and Rotators

Why –Through any form of upper body exercise, your shoulders and shoulder rotators become tight and sometimes even lose range of motion.  Now, exercise should never be completed without a proper roll or stretch before and after the session, but sometimes you need a bit more. Limiting factors, like impingement and poorly treated muscle tissue, are the underlying reason why your shoulders lack range of motion and flexibility.

How To - Let's work from front to back, starting with the chest.  Stand adjacent to a wall, while placing a lacrosse ball underneath the clavicle.  Begin to work the ball side to side and up to where the front the shoulder begins.  Make sure to roll that ball around on the really sensitive areas.  The discomfort should begin to subside, you may need 2-4 minutes per spot.  Also, roll with the ball with your arm locked out over head, out to the side, and down to get all angles of the different muscle fibers that attach at the shoulder.  Next, lie on the ground with the ball just to the side of the armpit.  Again, raise and lower the arm to get those 'sticky' areas of the shoulder.  Lean and roll onto the ball to search for trigger points, or the sensitive areas.  


Lats (Lattismus Dorsi)

Why – Lats are huge muscles. They make up most of the space on your back, and are responsible for pulling things toward yourself. Like any major muscle we want to make sure it is working optimally. 

How-to- Place the roller on the floor and lie on it. Your may want to put the roller on an angle to get a better roll. Raise the arm up, and make a thumbs-up (your thumb should be pointing to the floor beneath you). Doing so will open up the rotator cuff and loosen up the tissues that may be causing poor overhead range of motion as well. Using your legs, begin to push and pull your body along the roller, while maintaining that overhead arm position. Make sure to breathe through your nose, into the belly, and out through the mouth. 

Upper Back (T-spine), Lower back (lumbar spine), and Hips

Why- As a human population are plagued by low back pain because we neglect to treat it they way it was meant to be treated. The lumbar area becomes injured because of the compensation that’s caused by poor hip and thoracic spine mobility. Also, people have always thought sit-ups and crunches are the best thing to do for your abs…WRONG, and on many different levels. Flexion of the core is ultimately flexion of the lumbar spine. Any sort of flexion or extension of the lumbar spine goes against the joint-by-joint approach. This will begin to cause bulged discs and pinched nerves. Stuart McGill, a spine specialist from the University of Waterloo in Canada, recommends exercises that promote a stiff lower back and a mobile upper back, like planks and pot-stirrers. So, how do we fix the issues we’ve created over time? Focus your time and effort on becoming more mobile in the hips and upper back, eventually the lower back should be functioning as it was intended to be, but there will always be cases where lower back pain is caused differently. As for rolling the area, it may help acutely, but if the origin of the issue isn’t addressed the pain will continue. 

How-to – Upper Back - Place the foam roller on the floor and lie with it underneath the shoulder blades. Move the roller up and down by pushing and pull yourself with your legs. You can perform an upper back extension by leaving the roller just under the scapulae and arching the upper back while maintaining a stiff and straight neck. You should feel a stretch. To further your self-massage, try hugging yourself with your arms and repeating the pushing and pulling motions.

How-to - HipsTo roll out the glutes place the roller on the ground and sit on it. Cross one leg over the other while keeping the glute of the crossed leg on the roller (the leg that is straight should push and pull you). Lean to the side of the hip and find the sensitive areas. Crossing the leg should help someone with poor hip mobility.  


Another area associated with poor hip mobility would be the hip flexors. Lie on the foam roller face down; keep the roller level with the hips. Pulling and pushing with your arms, slowly roll over the foam roller. Also, leaning to one hip for 10-12 passes and switching may help you put more pressure on the flexors.

Now for the TFL (Tensor Fasciae Latae) and IT band (iliotibial band). These body parts are an infamous causers of hip immobility and  being a painful area to roll. Place a roller on the ground and lie on your side with the roller underneath one hip. Pulling and pushing with the arms, slowly roll and pause on any sensitive areas. 

  Thighs (Adductors, Quadriceps, and Hamstrings)

Why – Pushing a sled, running, squatting, dead lifting, and many other exercises can be pretty harsh on your thigh muscles. Both the hamstrings and the quadriceps are large muscles, responsible for both extending and flexing the knee. Loading this motion with resistance can cause some muscle soreness.

How-to – Quadriceps – to roll the quads, place the roller on the ground and lay with it under the hip flexors. Lean to one leg and begin the pushing and pulling motion with your arms. Try to roll slowly over the entire thigh.

How-to -Hamstrings (Biceps Femoris) – place the roller or lacrosse ball on the ground, and put your thighs on top of the object. From the bottom of the glute, to the top of the knee, being to roll with a slight lean toward one leg for more pressure. Make sure you are moving slowly, and pushing and pulling yourself with your hands and/or the other leg.

Calves, Ankles, and Feet

Why – Like the issues we spoke about previous, these areas of the leg are usually the origin of common problems. Running and jumping put a lot of stress on the foot, ankle, and calves. Having tight calves and ankles while you run is painful, and may eventually lead to anterior tibial stress syndrome (a fancy word for shin splints). These issues are easily avoidable by adopting a better shoe choice. Doing so will relieve the leg from the stress caused by a raised heel and soft, unbalanced sole. But for now, let’s roll!

How-to - To focus on the calf muscles place the roller on the belly of the calf and again have the client roll back and forth using their arms to push and pull themselves over the roller. If more pressure is desired, take one leg off and place the foot on the group, leaving one leg on the roller.

NOTE: Make sure you are getting about 8-12 rolls over an area. Also, if you are new to foam rolling and self-massage remember to keep breathing! It’s normal to subconsciously hold your breath because of the discomfort, but DO NOT let it happen! Respiring your muscle and fascia fibers with new oxygen is necessary in order to release the imperfections. It’s okay to feel a brief discomfort while you are rolling out, especially when you’re using the lax ball.


Boyle, Michael, and Gray Cook. "THE JOINT-BY-JOINT APPROACH." Gray Cook Movement. N.p., 11 Nov. 2010. Web. 02 Apr. 2015.

All photos of the foam rolling process were taken at Train for Life, in Chicopee, Massachusetts.


International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day and what better day to remind you all how amazing you really are!  The women of Train for Life inspire us every single day in their efforts to live their best life possible.  Workout after workout, you all manage to MAKE time in your hectic life of being a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend and so much more, in order to get it DONE!  

Because you've made Train for Life a priority in your life, you continue to get stronger and more capable than ever!

To celebrate the efforts of ALL of the STRONG WOMEN of Train for Life, I've put together some of the photos we've captured over the last few years.  Never stop believing in yourself, remember the weights you've lifted to become who you are and most importantly remember that you are STRONG!

"I always thought that people told you that you're beautiful--that this was a title that was bestowed upon you...I think that it's time to take this power into our own hands and to say, "You know what? I'm beautiful. I just am. And that's my light. I'm just a beautiful woman." — Margaret Cho

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Holiday Schedule

With the holidays approaching, we have made a few changes to the schedule…

Monday, December 15th - Saturday, January 3rd -

  • Workout A - Monday/Saturday
  • Workout B - Tuesday/Friday
  • Workout C - Wednesday 12/17 and Thursday 12/18

Strongman -

  • Tuesday, December 16th - CANCELLED
  • Saturday, December 20th - Same circuit as last week.
  • Tuesday/Saturday, December 23rd and 27th - Testing Day 
    • This will be set up to allow you to test your current 3 Rep Max on the Trap Bar Deadlift, BB Overhead Press, 2KB Front Squat, and Max Rep Chin Ups.  
  • Tuesday/Saturday Dec 30th/Jan 3rd - Holiday Special


  • Beginning December 19th, we will be merging our 4:30PM and 6:00PM classes to one time slot.  Our Friday night session will be held at 5:30PM.
    • If we notice this class is consistently full, we will add sessions as needed.

We will be CLOSED on: 

  • Wednesday, December 24th after 11:30AM*
  • Thursday, December 25th
  • Wednesday, December 31st after 11:30AM*
  • Thursday, January 1st

*We will have our 10:00AM small group as scheduled.  Members who need to reschedule Wednesday/Thursday evening small groups, let Jordan know ASAP.

Wednesday, December 24th and 31st:  FREE HOLIDAY 9:00AM Workout - BRING YOUR FRIENDS for a $15.00 donation.