Member of the Month - February 2017



Aaron came to us with a unique story and very specific goal: to get back to playing hockey after some unwanted time away from his favorite sport.  2 years prior to training with TFL, Aaron was spending the holiday season in a hospital bed after a surgery to remove a tumor from his brain.  This caused a setback in his hockey training, and decrease in his appetite and strength.

From day one, Aaron was one of the most polite and mature 12 year olds our coaching team has worked with.  His perseverance inspires our coaches as well as the other members in Aaron’s group – even “the bald guy that took his bar.”  This young man never misses a session, has drastically improved his strength and coordination, and has begun to work up a healthy appetite again.  We are also thrilled to say Aaron conquered his main goal, and just wrapped up his first full season back on the ice.

Aaron is constantly following our TFL Instagram page and commenting on our coaches’ workouts.  He has told us countless times how much he enjoys being here each week, but what he doesn’t realize is how inspiring he is to our team.  We’re so honored to be a part of his young athletic life.  It’s been a pleasure to watch Aaron get stronger week after week and we look forward to continuing to see him grow.

A special shoutout to Bob Authier - “The bald guy who stole Aaron’s bar.”
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Deload Week Explained

What Recovery Week Is and Is Not –

Recovery Week is:

·      A time for rest to repair connective tissue and restore testosterone and cortisol levels (Elevated cortisol levels can INHIBIT weight loss.)

·      A great way to improve the way the mind and body are feeling and break through plateaus

·      Can help reduce inflammation in the body which could help reduce the likelihood of developing many of the common –itis’s.



Recovery Week is NOT:

·      A Week Off.  Recovery Week is and can be challenging in many ways other than going heavy and hard.  Going out on your own on this week to continue training may only impede your progress.  If you’re sore and tired going into a new phase, the likelihood of you being able to give your all is decreased.

·      A fad.  Deload weeks and recovery programs are incorporated in all strength and conditioning programs.  Any program that is designed to help you improve strength and lose weight will have scheduled recovery days to allow your body to heal.  You get stronger from recovering from your workouts.  During a workout, you’re tearing and breaking down muscle so if you don’t give your body the adequate rest and nutrition, your progress will suffer. 


How we deload in our program?

·      Reduced volume and intensity – By shorten the length of your workouts and incorporating more soft tissue work and stretching, we decrease the amount of work being done in a session.  For some this may sound counterproductive, but remember, progress is made over weeks, months and years, not from one workout.  Patience is one of the most important qualities in building strength. 

·      Increased soft tissue and mobility work – If our bodies cannot get into certain positions, we cannot strengthen them.  As adults who enjoy training hard, we are battling against hours of bad habits.  Working at the computer, driving, texting, watching tv, standing at our kids’ games, etc.  all can contribute to movement dysfunction.  If a movement, like a squat, is painful or lacks range of motion, we should not and cannot load this pattern effectively to build strength and burn calories. 

·      Consistency – Every fifth week is a recovery week.  This pattern holds true to allow us to build through a phase, recover, and start again.  Remember, we said you don’t get stronger from your workout, it’s recovering from that workout.  Do you ever notice that when you’re rested and not sore, your workouts are BETTER?  That’s the goal behind recovery week.  If you’re always tired and sore, you won’t make the progress you’re looking for.


2017 Recovery Template Explained:

Mobility Monday –

Mobility is the ability to move a limb through the full range of motion with control.   Monday’s during recovery week will help to restore and enhance the mobility needed to perform movements used in our program.  From squatting to pressing, adequate range of motion is necessary to load movements.  Monday’s session will include foam rolling, stretching and mobility work.  Groups will be lead through a series of movements working improve movement quality, joint strength and body control.   

Sweat and Stretch / Yoga Tuesday

Tuesday’s will combine foam rolling, stretching and conditioning to get your sweating and moving better by the end of the hour.  Starting with foam rolling and stretching, the hour will build in intensity to include Animal Flow, bodyweight exercises and light conditioning. 

Individuals looking for a traditional yoga class can also choose attend Yoga with Caitlin at 6PM. 

Mobility & Movement Wednesday

Wednesday’s will offer light strength training mixed with mobility work.  You’ll be certain to feel the burn on Wednesday’s.  One way to Deload is lower the volume and amount of weight used during a workout, so during this workout you’ll still see plenty of the same movements during a typical strength day.  As you move through a circuit of exercises, you’ll be given active recovery work between rounds to keep the body recovering adequately while still giving you the burn you want!

Cardio Core Thursday

Thursday’s will combine conditioning movements with core exercises.  Each circuit will push you and time between sets of exercises will be filled with active recovery.    The intensity ramps up as the week is coming to a close, so be prepared for a challenging session, but with just enough recovery work to provide you with what you need.

Density Circuit Friday

Friday’s workout will be a full body workout similar to a typical strength day with simply less total load.  You’ll have 30 minutes to complete as many rounds of the circuit as possible, all with proper form of course.  Sweat, burn calories and feel recharged after this 30 minute session.

Saturday's Challenge –

Saturday’s will feature new challenge workouts, along with a few of your favorites from the past.  Choose one 20 minute workout from the choices provided, crush it and get your mind right for the new phase coming up on Monday!


Still need some additional information on the benefits of recovery?  Check out these resources…


Current Popular Fitness Magazine…

Awesome resource for Women and Strength Training…


Member of the Month - December 2016



— Laurie St. Marie

One of the most common reasons people join a community like ours is for motivation.  Bobby Collazo is the definition of that, and has done nothing but motivate those around him since he walked into our doors 5 years ago. 

Bobby is a man of zero-complaints and is always eager to push it to the limit in sessions.  He’s completed many road and obstacle course races with his TFL squad, including the grueling Seven Sisters Trail Run and Ragnar Relay Race.  He enjoys outdoor activities from hiking to hill sprints, and is often in the company of his wife, and fellow TFL member, Aurora.

Bobby is a world-class member.  He’s so devoted to our system that he hasn’t been late for a session in 5 years, and NEVER begins without a good foam roll.  He is always eager to learn new exercises and techniques, and gives 100% effort every time, every session.

Congratulations, Bobby!  Thank you for your endless motivation, and pumped up attitude.  You make our jobs so easy to love.  Happy 5th TFL Anniversary!

Bobby and Aurora have been so supportive of me and everyone in this challenge. Honestly, I would not get through the physical challenges without them.
— Chris Watton

Vulnerability & Tough Skin

Article By:  Jordan McConaha

To all of my fellow entrepreneurs…  You’re doing AMAZING THINGS.  Whatever your dream is, whatever your passion, keep going and hold your head high when others try to take you down.  Drew and I know first hand what it feels like to literally pour your blood, sweat and tears into your business.  To build it from the ground up.  The sleepless nights, the inability to actually be on vacation, the financial stress, and the weight it takes on personal relationships.  We get it, all of it. 

The best piece of advice I was ever given in regards to running a business is to “remember that you are never going to be able to please everyone.”  It’s also the hardest thing to remind yourself when it comes time to practice this skill.  Doing good business requires the perfect blend of vulnerability and “tough skin.”  I’ve got the first part down, and am doing my best to work on the second. 

I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I always have.  This is a quality of mine that I am not ashamed of nor would I ever try to change because it helps me learn and grow.  It gives me the ability to trust and love quickly and deeply.  It helps me practice gratitude, and to have compassion and empathy for those around me.  It has graced me with true, lifelong friendships that would never have blossomed if I acted solely on preconceived notions.  It helps me have an open mind.

In order to make people comfortable, you have to let them in.  You have to live in a state of vulnerability, and that can be a scary place.  In order to take risks, you have to let go.  That’s what Drew and I did the day we wrote our first rent check for our TFL Baby.  Two dollars left to our names.  We took a risk.  We were vulnerable, we were strong – you have to be if you’re forced to live broke and with your parents for two years (thanks @Phyllis)!

I’m big on karma.  I truly believe in “what goes around, comes around”.  If you put positive vibes into the world, then they will be returned, period.  I have faith in that.  It’s easy to be sidetracked by negativity, and it’s natural to want to defend your business-babies.  Don’t feed into the bullshit.  Embrace and nurture the relationships of those that respect you and believe in your dream.  Do your best to say only the nicest things about your competitors because it shows that you believe in what you’ve built.  Hold true to your core values and live in authenticity.  Don’t add a brick to your wall every time someone throws one at you, because you don’t need a shield.  Remember, you were in your most vulnerable state the day you agreed to follow your dreams and that’s when the magic began to happen.


Member of the Month - November 2016



Jill joined our community three years ago this month, and has been a dedicated member ever since.  She came to us with a few limitations from previous injuries, and had a preconceived notion that she may never fully squat or do some of our foundational movements again.  Well, we’re thrilled to say Jill has excelled in movements many wouldn’t have expected her to, and none of this would have been possible without consistency and hard work.

Jill is constantly supporting those around her, especially via social media.  She’s an asset to her teams in any challenge, and is always available for recipe sharing, motivation or Sunday activities; which often include yoga sessions or a hiking adventure.

Jill is a current member of our Barbell Club and recently hit a personal record on her front squat.  She is always eager to learn, respects each exercise and puts full trust in her coaches and the program making her a joy to have in any session.   

Congratulations, Jill!  We are so proud of all you’ve accomplished, and can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you.  Happy 3rd TFL Anniversary!


2016 Winter Partner Challenge

The holidays may be the most difficult time of the year to stay on track with fitness and nutrition goals.  They have turned into a spectacle of chocolates, cookies and booze challenging every ounce of willpower you have.  It is time to challenge yourself to change your mind and body, and it is our mission to motivate you to do so… 

Click on the PDF below for all the details about the challenge, and how to sign up...

Not a member of ours but interested in joining this challenge?!  We'd love to have you.  Simply contact us and we'll get you started!



  • Are you interested in mastering the big movements on the Barbell?

  • Do you enjoy high energy workouts?

  • Are you ready to get stronger than you’ve been before eager to set PRs?  


TFL Barbell Club will bring together members with a focus on the main barbell movements including the deadlift, squat and bench press.  Each session will include technique coaching and will progressively add load to the bars each week.  The program will be a full strength training workout in a semi-private setting, and will be performed under the supervision of two experienced coaches.

This is an environment designed to breed energy and success; and personal bests will surely be broken!

We've had positive feedback on our first 8-Week Barbell Club, and many of those participants are returning for Round 2.  There are only a few spots to fill, so don't miss your chance!

5:30PM - 7:00PM
with... Coach Drew and Coach Jeff
November 11, 2016 - Friday, December 30, 2016

Large Group Program Update

        This past weekend marked our 5th anniversary of Train for Life opening at 340 McKinstry Avenue.  Over the last 5 years, we’ve worked toward creating a results-driven program by blending the most current in exercise science with strength and conditioning workouts.  It’s always been our goal to keep our program energetic and intense while balancing the physical needs of our members in order to prevent injury and improve movement.

        While the standards that we’ve held high over the last 5 years will not change, we will be revamping our Large Group Template allowing us to add more variety and training options to our current program.  We are certain that with this new training model members will be motivated and eager to stay in a fitness regimen that is beneficial, competitive and enjoyable for all training levels.

        Along with this change, we will attempt to preface each phase and educate you on the most suitable program selection to fit your specific goals.  It is, and has always been, our mission to inspire others to move well, be strong and enjoy life.  A proper movement foundation will always rank first and foremost in our model.  We will continue to add assessments and help direct you through the program that best fits your current physical capabilities.  From there, a blend of workouts are designed to increase strength and burn fat.  Each member is unique and we feel this new structure will allow us to efficiently manipulate our program to provide the individual solutions you are all looking for in a group training environment. 

Our new phase will be laid out as follows:

Monday – Strength A
Tuesday – Metabolic Conditioning
Wednesday – Strength B
Thursday – Metabolic Conditioning
Friday – Strength C
Saturday – Your Choice...

7:00AM - Advanced Lift (Strength Based)
8:30AM/10:00AM - Metabolic Conditioning

        We are excited for this update and hopeful that many of you will embrace this change.  As always, we implore you to provide us with feedback, as it’s the best way for us to continue to evolve. 

Member of the Month - October 2016


Member since October 2012

Deciding our next MOM wasn’t a tough decision.  Immediately following the release of last months we got a message raving about why Kristin is a perfect choice from a fellow member…

“My husband was doing a wall sit and Kristin came in and sat right next to him; you should have seen his smile.  Kristin doesn't just make us laugh, she pushes us.  She’s the best!”
– Toni

Kristin is an excellent student of strength.  She is always eager to learn, respects each exercise and dedicates herself to accomplishing different movements which makes her a joy to coach.  Kristin is consistently working with the coaches to set new goals to achieve her personal best in various exercises.  She is currently the only member to pass BOTH the USB Clean & Press Test, and the Kettlebell Snatch Test – none of which could be achieved without consistency and hard work.

Kristin has put her trust in us since the beginning, and we are so grateful to have had her smile, sarcasm and strength in the facility over the years.  Her coaches look forward to many more sessions with Kristin, who recently hit a personal record with a 100# Strict Overhead Press.

Great work Kristin!  We are so proud of all you’ve accomplished, and can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you.  Happy 4th TFL Anniversary! :)


Saturday, October 22, 2016

$15.00 EACH
*all proceeds will be donated to the Rays of Hope Foundation

All members and guests are welcome to participate in the workout, and are encouraged to sign up at the front desk ASAP.  

Workout is limited to 90-participants.


$5.00 per shirt will be donated to the Rays of Hope Foundation



All orders must be placed at TFL no later than Saturday, October 15th